Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

The 2025-2026 Tentative Budget is now available.


Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, healthy, prosperous and livable environment in partnership with the community.

two building holding plants about to be planted

Administration & Clerk

Operate and handle the daily business of the village.

Building & Code Enforcement

Enforcement of the New York State Building & Fire Prevention Code, as well as the Code of Rye Brook.

Board of Trustees

Appointed to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, prosperous and livable village.

Digital Services

It seeks to improve and simplify digital service.

Engineering & Public Works

Maintaining streets, storm drainage, and sewers.


Operates 365 days a year as well as provides fire prevention and safety tips.

Humane Society

Promoting the compassionate care and treatment of animals.

Parks & Recreation

Operates many of its programs and/or special events in the Village Parks.


Operates crime prevention programs for residents, schools and senior citizens.

Public Library

The Library strives to educate, inform, enrich and entertain.


Makes sure neighborhoods, streets, and public areas stay clean.

Senior Services

We offer a wide array of activities to keep our seniors vibrant and involved.


Facilitates effective initiatives to create healthy, vibrant and attractive communities.


Responsible for the disbursement, investment, and accounting of all Village funds.

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