FAQ Topic: Rules & Regulations

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

Any covered store violating this law would receive a warning for the first violation, may be subject to a fine in the amount of $150 for the second violation, $200 for the third violation, and $250 for the fourth and subsequent violations occurring within a one-year period.

When does the legislation to into effect?

The local law shall take effect on June 1, 2019 to allow retail establishments time to exhaust their existing inventory of single use carryout bags and convert to alternative packaging materials.

To whom does the Reusable Bag Law Apply?

Any establishment engaged in the retail sale of consumer, personal, or household items, including but not limited to supermarkets, food service establishments, pharmacies, convenience stores, apparel stores, home or hardware stores, stationery and office supply stores, and other establishments that provide carryout bags to customers in which to place purchased items.

Won’t the law hurt business owners?

On the contrary, national research has shown the long-term effects on stores are very positive. Reducing the number of single-use bags used by shoppers can also reduce costs for business owners.

Why aren’t paper bags banned?

The objective of the law is to promote the use of reusable bags by reducing our dependence on single use bags. Based on the experience of other communities, it is believed that this legislation will significantly reduce the number of single-use plastic and paper bags used in Rye Brook. However, when shoppers forget their bags … Continued

Is this a new concept?

No. Many communities, just like Rye Brook, have understood the need to solve their litter and pollution problems by passing similar laws. Hastings-on-Hudson, New Castle, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, and Rye City are all municipalities within Westchester that have passed laws. There are hundreds of towns, cities and other countries that have similar laws.

Why do we need a reusable shopping bag law?

The purpose of this law is to improve the environment in the Village of Rye Brook by encouraging the use of reusable checkout bags and banning single-use retail bags. Non-biodegradable plastic bags often end up polluting our open spaces and waterways, clogging sewers, endangering marine life and causing unsightly litter. These bags last hundreds of … Continued

How do I know if a person or business is permitted to solicit door-to-door, and can I stop them from coming to my house?

The village has a local law regulating peddling and solicitation door-to-door available online.  Permits are required for private businesses and individuals, while most not-for-profits do not need permits but still need to register with the village.  A list of those individuals or agencies with permits or registrations is always updated and is available online.  The … Continued

Does Rye Brook have any Green initiatives?

Yes!  Rye Brook is proud its many green initiatives and has a very active Sustainability Committee.  Please visit the sustainability page to learn more about items such as food scrap recycling, and our legislation banning plastic bags, Styrofoam and discouraging the distribution of plastic straws.  There are many tips and suggestions to encourage residents to help … Continued

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