Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

The 2025-2026 Tentative Budget is now available.

Yes, you need to obtain a permit from the Village of Rye Brook Police Department which must be   renewed every year.

Village Code:  § 70-3 (A) License required; alarm user permit; deadline for compliance.

It shall be unlawful for any person, business, firm, corporation or other commercial entity to operate, maintain, install, lease or sell a police alarm device or fire alarm device or devices or system of police alarm devices or fire alarm devices as defined by the terms of this chapter without first obtaining a license as hereinafter provided.

**Please utilize this link to renew your alarm permit.**

**For first time applicants, please download the document and follow the instructions to receive an alarm permit.**

All Traffic and Parking tickets are returnable to the Rye Town Court, 350 North Main Street, Port Chester, NY 10573. This is the same building that the Village of Portchester Court is located. If you have a question for the Court, please call 914-939-3305, M-F 0830-4:30.

The Detective Division offers fingerprinting by appointment only. You must have the fingerprint cards that are supplied by the agency that is requesting you to get fingerprinting. There is a fee per card and appointments can be made by calling 914-939-8392.

It normally takes 5 Business days for a report to be finished and approved. You can come to Police Headquarters and pick it up, or you can order it online at the following sites:  or

Come to Police Headquarters Monday to Friday during normal business hours.

Unless posted otherwise, there is no Parking overnight in the Village from November 15th through March 15th between 2:00 am and 06:00 am.

**Some Streets in the Southern part of the Village have alternate side of the Street Parking and are posted with Signage. **

You may respond to the Police Department and ask to speak with a Sergeant or the Desk Officer to make a complaint. You can also click on the below link below to download the Complaint Form and either bring the completed form  to the Police Department, Mail it to Police HQ or e-mail the form to the Chief or Lieutenant.


Chief Gregory Austin / or

Lt. J. Arnold /


Please Call at: Verizon at 1-800- Verizon /1-800-752-4966 or

Suez Water at 1-877-266-9101

Visit the Police department page for information on events and police updates.

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