Mayor’s Corner

December 19, 2016

To the Rye Brook Community:

With the holiday season fast approaching, and with many people about to head out of town on vacation, I wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy, healthy holiday season and happy new year!

Reflecting over 2016, we provided another year of high quality services while managing through another year of Albany’s tax cap and never losing sight of the reason we are here: to provide Rye Brook residents with excellent services and programs while keeping taxes as low as possible.  We authorized over $1M in capital projects (our LED streetlight replacement program will be completed by mid-January) including $500k in road resurfacing, maintained an adequate fund balance, and provided quality core services to Rye Brook residents such as police, fire, EMS, snow removal, sanitation services, leaf collection services, building inspection, recreation and senior services. Speaking of fire services, we still have not resolved our legal dispute with Port Chester regarding their breech of the fire services contract, but I am hopeful that a settlement may not be far off.

The Village was also able to host several community events that brought residents together.  Just a few weeks ago, we had what has now become the most popular village event  – the Rye Brook Winter Fest, which attracted hundreds of residents of all ages.  Last summer, we continued the tradition of the Rye Brook Birthday Celebration, two successful Music in the Park events, a Theatre in the Park event, and “Ice Cream Fridays” in August.

Looking forward to 2017, we will continue bringing you the high level of services you expect and deserve, while keeping a major focus on keeping property taxes as low as possible.

One last item – if you are heading out of town over the next few weeks, please add your home to the police department’s vacant house watchlist by clicking this link:

On behalf of the Village Board of Trustees, we wish you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season!

Paul Rosenberg

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