Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

The 2025-2026 Tentative Budget is now available.

Storm Water and Sanitary Sewer Management Program

Dear Village Residents, Business Owners and Visitors:

On March 10, 2003, the Village of Rye Brook began the development of its Storm water Management Plan, mandated by the United States Department of Environmental Protection and administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.The plan requires that the Village make every effort to improve the water quality of its streams, lakes and rivers. The Village must implement six (6) minimum control measures including educating the public, soliciting participation and involvement of the public, detection and elimination of illicit discharges, control of construction site runoff, maintenance and operation of post construction structural Best Management Practices and pollution prevention and good housekeeping at municipal facilities.

Recognizing the need for improving the quality of our surface waters, the Village passed legislation in the initial stages of it’s Storm water Management Program, designed to control the quantity and quality of runoff from new development and redevelopment, and insure that storm water runoff from a project, once completed, created minimal or no impact on water quality. Rye Brook has been a proponent of maintaining and improving water quality and is part of a municipal consortium known as the Long Island Sound Watershed Inter municipal Council (LISWIC).

Learn what you can about improving storm water quality by visiting the following websites or watching the following videos:

Storm Water Management Information

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