Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.


Posted on August 28, 2020

What work is being done?

Microsurface paving – a mixture of polymer-modified asphalt emulsion, mineral aggregates, water and additives will be applied to the previously placed chip seal. This “quick set” preventative maintenance treatment extends the life of the road surface in an economical way, while minimizing the inconvenience to residents and the traveling public while the work is taking place and provides beneficial traction and drivability.


When will the work be done?

The contractor has provided us with a schedule for roads. However, the micro surface must be applied when the weather is dry. The schedule may change due to weather, equipment breakdown, availability of materials, or other conditions.  As of this notice Roads will be micro surfaced on September 3, 4 with September 8th as a carryover date

The most up-to-date schedule information is posted online on our website at:


What can you expect?

Garbage haulers and other service providers will be notified of the contractors planned schedule.  No Parking will be allowed on the streets to be treated that day. You will be asked to park your vehicle(s) off the streets to be treated by 7 a.m. on the day the work is scheduled to occur. Vehicles will be towed if necessary. On the scheduled day, traffic on your street will be restricted and will be controlled by flagger. The microsurface will be completed over the course of two days. Work will not start before 7 a.m. and will usually be completed by 5:00 p.m. While the microsurface is being placed and cured on your side of the street, no vehicle access to or from your driveway will be allowed for a few hours. Please plan accordingly. Your road will be open by the end of work each day. At all times watch for direction from the flaggers


 What do you need to know?

The microsurface is applied as a liquid and requires  at least 60 minutes or more to solidify before the surface is ready for traffic. During this time, please keep children and pets off the road surface. Prior to drying, the microsurface is very messy and does not clean up easily. It will stick to shoes, carpet and cars. Also, please do not allow water to run onto the street starting the night before the microsurface treatment, this includes using sprinklers. The surface must be free of standing water.

Driving on wet Micro Pavement will ruin the quality of the product long term. Please follow the direction of pavers. Once damaged, the results will be embedded in pavement for many years.

During the first few weeks after the micro-surface, it may look like the surface is unfinished, that sealant is everywhere, and that the color is changing. This is all part of the normal process. Vehicles driving over the microsurface treatment help roll and smooth the surface. While this is happening, some rocks loosen from the mixture and minor rips or tears may appear.

Within a few weeks after the microsurface treatment is applied, crews will inspect your street, make necessary surface repairs, and replace any pavement markings. Within about six months, the street that was black/brown when first treated eventually ends up the familiar dark gray color. Work zones can be dangerous. Be attentive and use caution around the work zone. Watch for and follow the directions of the police details.


Tentative Street List – Dates are tentative and may change due to weather

Tamarack Road (Outside of School Construction)  Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Valley Terrace Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Windsor Road Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Neuton Ave Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Comly Ave Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Beechwood Blvd Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4

Castle View Court Micro Coat #1, Sept. 3, Micro Coat #2 Sept. 4


Roads listed above will each get One Coat of Micro Surface on September 3rd followed by a second coat on September 4th. September 8th is a rain date if needed.  However procedure is subject toi change with field conditions and traffic patterns.


We realize what an inconvenience this surface treatment is to residents, and apologize in advance. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we make these important improvements in your neighborhood.


Michal J. Nowak

Superintendent of Public Works

914 939 0753 x 2965


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