Why has my pile of brush not been collected?
Often time’s residents do not bundle brush as is required by our sanitation rules. Residents must bundle and tie brush into manageable piles using rope.
Often time’s residents do not bundle brush as is required by our sanitation rules. Residents must bundle and tie brush into manageable piles using rope.
Unfortunately the Village cannot guarantee collection at set intervals. Trash is collected between 6:00am and 4:00pm Village Wide.
Collection is from October 1, through December 15. The Village has a rotating schedule for collection with a peak rotation goal of 10 days. Various factors can affect the dates of collection such as weather, snow and equipment issues. Leave are to be placed along the curb line and NOT in piles blocking roadway traffic.
Village crews clean out clogged catch basins throughout the year as part of on-going maintenance. Crews yearly clean out 500 of the 1100 catch basins village wide. Residents can reduce flooding in their neighborhoods by keeping material out of the storm drain system or clean debris around the catch basin when performing landscape maintenance.
Under Village Code, sidewalks are the responsibility of home owners regarding maintenance and snow removal.
You can report a street light out by submitting a street light form or go to the home page and select “Report an Issue” and submit a “Street Light” form. If you have done a search the street light form link might be listed below. You can call (914) 939-0753 during normal business hours. The … Continued
The Street sweeper operates on a 2 week schedule. The routes encompass the entire Village beginning at one end and working through to the other end of the Village. Priority is given to the downtown business area before entering secondary roads
The Public Works Superintendent will decide when to conduct pothole repairs but repairs will consist of two elements.
Multiple factors influence decisions made to reduce winter weather hazards. Current air temperatures, predicted air temperatures, time of day and precipitation type are all important considerations when determining an appropriate response. In some circumstances, plowing alone is most effective at addressing potential hazards. In other instances, such as cold pavement with dry and blowing snow … Continued
During significant and severe storms, the Village must be prepared to move personnel and equipment to maintain priority routes first. In fulfilling the need to have all priority streets safe and passable, when resources are limited, plowing of all other streets may be stopped at any time so resources can be shifted to priority routes. … Continued