Archives: FAQs

Who do I call if my Power is out?

If you are experiencing a power failure, Please call Consolidated Edison at 1-800-75(CONED)/ 1-800-752-6633. If there are powerlines down and they are causing a danger to property please call the Police Department at 914-937-1020, in an emergency where you feel there is an immediate threat to life please call 911.

Why are plastic bags an unacceptable way to set out recyclables?

Unfortunately, plastic bags cause complications at the recycling sorting facility. Malfunctions can occur when plastic bags get wrapped around the equipment. Therefore, Rye Brook by order of Westchester County cannot collect recyclables in plastic bags. Even if a plastic bag is marketed as “for recycling,” “recyclable” or “compostable,” it is not acceptable as a recycling … Continued

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