Message from Mayor Paul Rosenberg

Posted on April 27, 2020

(originally published April 26, 2020)

Good evening Rye Brook.

I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. The cumulative number of Rye Brook residents who have tested positive for Coronavirus is 138. Although this number has not spiked like in other communities, our curve here in Rye Brook continues to rise and I ask that all residents continue their social distancing measures. Also, we hope that those residents who contracted the virus several weeks ago are on the road to recovery.

In these difficult times, I thought it would be a good time to recognize many of our community members who are truly inspiring in their words and actions:

My special thanks and recognition go to:

  • The community members who have donated food, masks, kinds words of thanks, and other types of support to our dedicated EMS, police and firefighters.
  • The local businesses that have been staying open during this crisis.
  • The volunteers that work with Liz Rotfeld, our Senior Citizen coordinator, to deliver food to Rye Brook seniors 7 days a week.
  • The owners and employees at Doral Arrowwood who are providing rooms for nurses who work at local hospitals, and the community volunteers that have provided the nurses staying at Doral with food and supplies.
  • The school districts, whose administrations have kept the community informed and have worked closely with the teachers set up online classes.
  • Westchester County Executive George Latimer and his staff, whose leadership has been exemplary throughout this crisis as he has kept the local municipal officials informed and has been a conduit for much needed supplies.
  • My fellow Trustees for all their support, with special recognition to Trustee Susan Epstein, who continues to remind all of us of the importance of having residents to complete the US Census which benefits the future of our community. And a reminder – if you haven’t done so already, please complete the census at
  • And perhaps most importantly, the EMS employees, health care workers, police officers, and firefighters who risk their own health to selflessly keep us all safe every day.

In these difficult times, please check in with your elderly neighbors and maintain contact with our friends and family

For daily updates on our cumulative confirmed coronavirus cases, please follow me on Twitter @paulrosenberg . Also, please feel free to email me any time at .

Thank you.

Paul S. Rosenberg
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