Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

Message from Mayor Paul Rosenberg

Posted on March 6, 2020

Dear Rye Brook Residents:

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus is climbing in the U.S. each day. I want to assure our residents that the Village of Rye Brook is remaining diligent regarding the potential impacts of the spread of Coronavirus.

Current Coronavirus Situation:
As of today there are 33 positive cases of Coronavirus in New York State, including approximately 25 in Westchester County.  Approximately 44 people statewide, including nine in New York City, are under a NYS mandatory quarantine order.  No positive cases are reported in Rye Brook at this time.  It is anticipated that the number of positive cases in the region will increase, as well as the number of people who are quarantined due to either positive cases or for preventative reasons.

Am I likely to become infected with Coronavirus?
While there are known cases of Coronavirus in Westchester County, the risk of becoming infected with Coronavirus remains low. If widespread cases were to occur in our area, most people are likely to experience mild to moderate disease symptoms prior to full recovery.  Officials have said that 80 percent of people who get Coronavirus self-resolve with no additional treatment necessary.  In addition to staying informed, you can reduce your risk of becoming infected by taking proper prevention measures similar to what is recommended to avoid the common cold and flu.

Where can I receive accurate, up-to-date information?
This is a situation that is rapidly changing.  It is for this reason that I strongly recommend that residents go to the following sources to remain up to date on the latest developments and recommendations on this important health issue:

Helpful Links about Coronavirus:


What is Rye Brook doing?

Some of our local efforts include the following:

  • Attending executive and health department briefings from Westchester County and New York State
  • Reviewing information from the Center of Disease Control; the Westchester County Health Department, the NYS Health Department, and the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Taking additional steps to clean office doorknobs, counters, and other common spaces in our public buildings
  • Restocking and ordering additional sanitizers, dispensers, and personal protective equipment
  • Arranging an informational session for seniors at the AJP Community Center
  • Meeting with emergency response personnel regarding response protocols and protections
  • Distributing information to employees
  • Sharing information with several of our neighboring municipalities
  • Distributing information on our web site and through social media

Is Rye Brook Cancelling any Events or Programs?
At the current time, Rye Brook is NOT cancelling any previously scheduled events, programs, or public facilities.  However as I indicated this is a rapidly changing situation, so if factors change or worsen, cancellations of certain village programs is a distinct possibility.

Coronavirus Symptoms:
The most common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.  In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome. The CDC believes at this time that symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure to the virus.

How Does the Coronavirus Spread?
Most cases are now likely to be spread from person to person by droplets when coughing.

What can I do to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and other respiratory viruses?
While there is currently no vaccine to prevent this virus, these simple steps can help stop the spread of this and other respiratory viruses:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

While we don’t know to what extent the virus will spread throughout the population, we are working closely with county and state health authorities to monitor the extent of the outbreak.  Anyone who has traveled to a destination which is experiencing widespread sustained transmission of Coronavirus should self-quarantine at home for 14 days.  If you need to go to a doctor or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and symptoms.

The New York State Department of Health has set up a hotline at (888) 364-3065 where Department of Health experts will be available to answer your questions regarding Coronavirus.

Thank you!
Paul Rosenberg



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