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Mayor’s End of Year Message

Posted on December 23, 2019

Winter Tree

Dear Rye Brook Residents:


It’s that time of year when everything seems to start winding down.  Before everyone heads out of town to be with family and friends, I wanted to send you a quick holiday greeting.


I would like to start with a huge thank you to all my colleagues on the Board of Trustees – thank you for all your wonderful contributions towards the success of our Village. We strive to put our residents at the heart of everything we do.


I also would like to sincerely thank all our residents, whether you’ve lived here for many decades, or have recently moved in.  Thanks for your trust, your support, your suggestions, and your excellent cooperation with us.


I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. First, my extremely supportive wife and children, and then our extremely talented Village staff. Thank you for the work you have done for the Village this year. You have helped us provide outstanding services to our residents.  Whether it was plowing the snow, working in the Village Administration office, picking up the leaves, responding to fire and EMS calls, balancing our budget, protecting our residents, keeping our parks looking great, working in our building department, planning & executing multiple Village events, or televising our board meetings, all Rye Brook residents are grateful.


I would be remiss if I also didn’t thank all of the residents on our Village boards and commissions who volunteer their time to make Rye Brook a great place to live. 


Here’s wishing you all the joy of the season. Have a Happy New Year!

Paul Rosenberg

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