Inter-Municipal Airport Task Force

Task Force Information

Task Force Committee:

Peter Schalactus (Rye Brook)

John Mugno (Rye Brook)

John Mastracchio (Greenwich)

Rich Flood (Greenwich)

Michael Pollack (North Castle)

Larry Ruisi (North Castle)

Nick Everett (Rye City)

Martha Monserrate (Rye City)

Juliana Alzate (Port Chester)

Janusz Richards (Port Chester)

Jill Axelrod (Rye Town)

Michelle Goodman (Rye Town)

James Benton (New Castle)

Gregory Elders (New Castle)

Establishment of Inter-Municipal Airport Task Force Resolution

Master Plan Links

1987 Master Plan Link
Current Westchester County Airport Master Plan Link
Westchester County Master Plan Website Link
June 2022 Rye Brook Bulletin to Residents on Master Plan Updating Process and Priority Issues Link
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