Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

Household Recycling Fall Drop Off Days 2019

Posted on August 29, 2019


Next Drop off Date
November 9, 2019
Rye Playland
Playland Pkwy, Rye

9am – 3pm

For more details, view the flyer.

Whats AcceptedBlack tires

Properly labeled household chemicals, including:

Most Automotive Fluids – antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline

Flammable Liquids – kerosene, butane, charcoal fluid, turpentine
Metal, Jewelry & Furniture Polishes, Wood Preservatives

Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides
Photography & Swimming Pool Chemicals

Other items, including:
Fluorescent Light Bulbs & CFLs*

Fire Extinguishers
Propane Tanks* (2, 5, 10 & 20 lbs.)

Batteries* – Auto, Non-rechargeable,Batteries
Rechargeable & Button Cell
(Alkaline and carbon-zinc batteries can also
be safely discarded with the household trash.)

Car Tires*( maximum 4 )
Mercury Thermometers and Thermostats*

Electronic Waste*– computer monitors,
towers, peripherals, printers, TVs, faxes,radios, stereos, speakers

Appliances with Freon* – freezers, refrigerators, dehumidifiers, air conditioners

Expired or Unused Pharmaceuticals –prescription, over the counter, veterinary medication; keep drugs in their original

*Year-round disposal options are available.
Call (914) 813-5425 for more information.

What’s Not AcceptedNeedles

Paint – Oil & Latex – Harden paint and put it out with the trash. (Note: Rye Brook, Yorktown,
and White Plains residents should put out hardened paint on bulk pick-up days.) A product
called Waste Paint Hardener can be used to harden a gallon of latex paint in minutes; to
harden oil based paint, add absorbent material, such as kitty litter

Motor Oil – take to a service station or motor oil retail outlet

Compressed Gas Cylinders – helium and oxygen tanks

Smoke & Fire Detectors – dispose of in trash

Explosives – flares, fireworks, ammunition

Medical Waste – hypodermic needles, syringes, lancetsBroken iphone

Materials from Businesses, Schools & Institution

Cell Phones, Phones, or Plastic Bags

Construction Debris
For disposal information about these items, call the Recycling HelpLine at 2-1-1.





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