Purpose of Con Edison Gas Main Project:
To upgrade gas distribution system, replace old piping, and provide better gas service to area.
Click here for the preliminary project description and preliminary project maps from Con Edison (subject to modifications).
Gas Main Replacement/System Reinforcement Project in Rye Brook:
- Con Edison Project starting Monday, June 14th and will continue for approximately 4 months.
- Work will be done and days and/or nights depending upon the work areas and tasks.
- Noise and disruptions are expected.
- Travelers should plan accordingly… expect delays, periodic road closures, some detours, consider alternate routes.
- Con Edison is hoping to maintain one lane of traffic in each direction on the main and wider roads (i.e. Westchester Ave, Ridge Street), and limit detours as much as possible elsewhere. Night work in more congested areas may also minimize some impacts.
- Emergency services, the Rye Ridge Shopping Center, and the school district have all been notified of the project have made suggestions to minimize impacts. Con Edison is trying to minimize any community disruptions as much as possible.
Rye Brook Project Area:
- Bowman Avenue from Ridge Street to the Port Chester Middle School
- Ridge Street from West William Street to Avon Circle (south entrance/exit)
- West William Street (all)
- Westchester Avenue from the Hilton service entrance to just east of Ridge Street
- Intersection of Westchester Avenue and Lincoln Avenue
November 10, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- We will be milling the roadway to be restored Thursday, Nov. 11th with the intentions on paving on Friday. If the weather does not cooperate Friday, they will be there Saturday to pave. There will be rough road for a day or 2 after the milling takes place.
October 20, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- We were able to get the rest of the pipe installed by the end of last week. This Friday we will be energizing the newly installed main on Westchester Ave. We will be there during the day, one crew near the intersection of Ridge & 1 crew near the Hilton Service Rd.
- Once we get that energized, we have 2 services to swing over which will take place over the weekend and/or early next week. We are trying to get the last tie in made late next week which would complete the entire job. After that we would need a few days to backfill and clean up and finally get out of your way in Rye Brook.
- To this point the final restoration has taken place on Bowman Ave & S Ridge area up to Westchester Ave.
October 14, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- PAB contracting will be milling and paving on S. Ridge next Monday and Tuesday (10/18 & 10/19)
- We were able to get the rest of the pipe in during the week which puts us in a good position to finish up by the end of the month. Starting tomorrow we will back on DAY shift with 2 crews. We have the last service transfer scheduled for tomorrow on N Ridge St & we will be backfilling and removing any plates that we can on N Ridge and Westchester Ave East of Ridge St. Next week we will be energizing the main on Westchester Ave and transferring over the remaining 2 services. Once that is complete, we can make the last tie in on N Ridge and abandon the remainder of the old pipe. We will no longer be working nights at this point. All of our remaining work will be performed during the day.
October 6, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
We came up with a plan today that we hope will continue to expedite this project. We will resume working this job with 2 crews. One on the day shift and one on the night shift to ensure progress is made. Keep in mind that we will be working this Saturday and Monday (Columbus Day) day and night
- Unfortunately, at the end of last week, we encountered some heavy rock as we approach the end of the job. We were only able to trench about 80’ this past week, so it is slowing us down drastically. We are exploring our options at this point to see how we can keep things moving. More to come on that.
- Restoration has milling and paving planned for Friday and Saturday this week respectively. That will take place during the day time hours. They are aware of the school traffic hours and will work around it to limit disturbance to school traffic.
- There are still a couple of customers that we need to transfer on N Ridge. We are still hopeful to have construction completed by the end of this month, and if weather cooperates, possibly get the remainder of the project paved before the winter.
October 1, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- All of the trench work is almost complete. We should have all of the new pipe in by the middle of next week. Once its all in, the service and tie in work will still take a couple of weeks to get done, but we are getting close!
- We have began transferring services on N Ridge St and will continue to coordinate with customers to get the rest of that work done.
- All of our work including backfill and temp restoration is expected to complete by the end of October if all goes well. If that holds true and temps stay warm, we may be able to get all of paving done before the plants close for the winter months. We will keep you informed.
September 24, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- Our trenching crews will be working during the day time hours today. The reason is that the blacktop plants are not going to be available to get blacktop from tonight, so we are working during the day to get the trench on Westchester Ave backfilled so we can remove a large majority of the plates that are currently there. Hours of work are 9a-4p.
- We continue to operate with 2 trenching crews to help expedite this work. As of right now, it looks like we are on target to get all of this work completed by the end of October.
- Final restoration plans continue. I will share once finalized.
- We are planning to insert the existing main on Westchester Ave East of Ridge St on Wednesday. This will be daytime work starting at 9 am. Chances are that we will be working later than 4pm. We have to continue to work until the main is back on line.
September 10, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- On Wednesday, while trying to energize the intersection of Westchester Ave & Ridge St we came across a minor issue that resulted in us having to postpone the job. It is now scheduled for Monday 9/13 so we will be working DURING THE DAY. North bound traffic on N Ridge St will be closed while we are working and traffic will be detoured to Hawthorne Ave
- Trenching operations continue on the overnights. The crew will be working this Saturday night.
- Plans for restoration have started. I asked the restoration group to keep me in the loop so that I can share those plans with all of you during these communications, so as they become available, I will communicate them.
August 30, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- The crew working days on Lincoln Ave Westchester Ave will not be working for the rest of this week, and will resume working right after Labor Day.
- Just a heads up that the crew on nights on Westchester Ave will not be working this Friday night or next Monday night. They will resume working Tuesday night due to NYSDOT permit restrictions as a result of the Holiday weekend.
August 27, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- The first phase of the job is complete, everything in that are has been backfilled, the road temporarily restored and all grass areas seeded. I will be working with our restoration group to gather all of the documentation and begin planning on final restoration for that area.
- The trenching crew will continue working night hours, fishing up the insert portion of the job on Westchester Ave East of Ridge. That should be completed tonight or tomorrow night, and they will begin trenching Westward on Westchester Ave.
- We are hoping to have the intersection and N Ridge St energized by the end of next week so we can have our service crews transfer over the services and get that area backfilled as soon as possible.
- We will also continue to have the day time crew at the intersection of Lincoln Ave and Westchester Ave next week. We had to move them out of there due to excavating restrictions related to underground electrical facilities during the high temps we had the second half of this week.
August 23, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- The night crew will back on nights as of tonight. They will be backfilling and performing temporary restoration for the remainder of the pits from the first phase of the project around Bowman Ave. After that, they will excavate the small section of main that needs to be inserted on Westchester Ave east of Ridge St. That will take a couple of nights, then they will begin trenching Westward on Westchester Ave which is the last portion of that project.
- We will have a crew working the day shift starting tomorrow 8/24 at the intersection of Westchester Ave & Lincoln Ave. There is a small portion of main there that needs to be replaced this year. Trenching is estimated to take 2-3 weeks there. Hours of work are from 9am to 4pm, there may be days that we need to stay a little late there.
August 19, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- Tonight the crew is going to abandoned the 8” Steel main on S. Ridge St. Between Westchester Ave. & Franklin St. This section of this project is going to be completed the next step is going to be restoration. Our restoration group are going to be involve in this process.
- Tomorrow the crew working on the day time on N. Ridge Bet. Westchester Ave. & Avon are going to finish installing the main and excavating tie in pits. And next week Monday they going to start working at night on Westchester Ave. to complete the trenching work.
- We will not be working Saturday.
- Sometime next week the live crew is going to be energizing the new gas main on N. Ridge and the process of transferring the gas services from the old main to the new will take place.
August 5, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- A little slow going this past week working through the intersection of Westchester Ave & Ridge st. We came across a lot of interference that slowed us down a bit. We have one more duct bank to navigate through heading north into N Ridge and then we will have the intersection cleared. The focus for the upcoming week will be to get the intersection done and complete N Ridge St. From there we will start heading west on Westchester Ave on the overnights.
- We were able to get most of everything cleaned up behind us in the Bowman Ave area. We have 3 services remaining to transfer to the new main, and then we can abandon the old main, backfill the remaining pits and start planning for final restoration for that area.
- We will continue with the 1 crew working every night except for Sunday night performing trenching work. The service crews may need to work during the day as we continue to try to make the last few appointments in that area.
- The size of the pipe that we found feeding 200 S Ridge St is not the same as was depicted on our plates so we are in the process of evaluating what we can do there to minimize impact to the shopping center while we transfer that service over. If an outage is required, we will notify the owners of the businesses there ahead of time and schedule our work in any way that will minimize interruption to their businesses.
July 29, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- We continue to make good progress throughout the project.
- We are currently installing new gas main in the intersection of Westchester Ave & Ridge St. We anticipate being in the intersection for another week while we install the main and clear the intersection. From there, we will continue up N Ridge, and from there begin working West on Westchester Ave. The plan right now is to continue trenching operations at night between the hours of 7pm & 6 am.
- We have most of the services transferred to the new main in the first portion of the job around Bowman Ave. We have the last remaining couple of services scheduled to be transferred between now and next week, and the plan is to abandon the old main towards the end of next week. Once we get that pipe abandoned, we can back fill and remove all of plates in that area, with the exception of a few plates near the intersection of Westchester Ave which is where we will energize the remainder of the pipe when the time comes.
- Once we get all of those plates removed, we will engage out restoration group to come up with a plan for final restoration in that area shortly thereafter.
July 22, 2021 Con Ed Reports…
- We continue making excellent progress on the area. We currently have all of the new pipe energize to the intersection of Westchester Ave. We doing gas service transfers to the new main days and nights.
- Tonight we have the digging crew working on the intersection of Westchester Ave. & S. Ridge. We are planning to trench across the intersection.
- The crew working on gas services are going to transfer the service for the Rye Ridge Shopping Center tonight. Hawkeye is going to have two gas crew performing the work.
- Next week we are going to do a tie in on Bowman Ave. and the final Tie in on Franklin. The plan is to have all the Gas work on S. Ridge Between Ellendale and Westchester Ave. complete by the end of next week. While the digging crew continue digging on Westchester Ave.
July 15, 2021: Con Ed Reports…
- We continue to make good progress. We currently have all of the new pipe installed to the intersection of Westchester Ave.
- Tonight we plan on energizing all of that pipe so that we can begin transferring all of the customers in that area to the new main. Throughout the week, we will be making appointments with the affected customers to transfer their service. For the shopping centers and the school, there will be no service interruptions. Some of the service work will need to be done during the day, so you may see a service crew or two in the neighborhood throughout the day. Their impact to traffic will be minor, but we will continue to coordinate with RBPD.
- The trenching crew will be buttoning up some loose ends for this portion of the project tonight, but will begin working in the intersection of Westchester Ave & Ride St tomorrow night.
- The plan is to complete the intersection and N Ridge St first, then start working West on Westchester Ave to just West of the Hilton Service Entrance. Again, all of that work is planned to be performed between the hours of 7pm-6am right now.
July 8, 2021: Con Ed Reports…
- We are continuing to make good progress. We are almost at the intersection of Ridge St & Westchester Ave. The plan is to get the new pipe installed up to the intersection, then begin energizing everything installed south of Westchester Ave so that we can start swinging over the services, abandon & purge the old main, and backfill everything up to that point, and shortly after that, permanently pave that area while we continue work on N Ridge & Westchester Ave.
- We have shrunk down to 1 crew for the time being. We plan on working the intersection of Ridge & Westchester at night, then start moving West on Westchester Ave also at night because we get 11 working hours vs the 7 hours the NYSDOT would approve for daytime hours for that section. We would then fall back and complete N Ridge also at night hopefully if that works for everyone.
- We will continue to have a crew sporadically working during the day to prepare the already installed pipe to be energized. That crew will have minimal impact to traffic and we will continue to coordinate with RBPD.
July 1, 2021: Con Ed Reports…
- 3 weeks in, and we continue to make good progress. We are continuing to work with 2 crews. At this point, all of the new gas main on S Ridge Between Bowman & Ellendale is installed, as well as all of the new gas main on Bowman. The 2 crews are working on S Ridge simultaneously working towards each other from Westchester Ave & Bowman.
- We anticipate having the remainder of the new pipe installed on S Ridge by late next week. At that point, a crew will begin test pitting on Westchester Ave in the intersection of Ridge St, still on nights as we planned. The remainder of that work will take place at night.
- Once we get into the intersection, we will only have one crew working. They will complete the work in the intersection and whatever other work we can at night, before switching onto days to complete the work on Westchester Ave outside of the intersection.
- Just a reminder that we will not have crews working this weekend in observance of the Independence day holiday. We will begin working again Tuesday night.
- Once all of the gas main is installed on S Ridge, the plan is to start energizing that section and transferring the services to the new main. This will require some day time work, however, our footprint will be small. The work zone will consist of one truck taking up approx. 80’ of the roadway. Some of the prep work may begin as early as next week. We don’t anticipate this being detrimental to traffic flow. We will coordinate with RBPD.
June 24, 2021: Con Ed Reports…
- 2 weeks in, we are making good progress. 2 crews are continuing to work towards the intersection of Bowman & S Ridge.
- Once both crews make it to the intersection (likely to be in the next couple of nights), they will be too close to work together, so we plan on moving one of the crews to S Ridge just South of Westchester Ave, to begin working South towards the other crew to continue to be productive.
- There will be no lane closures needed on S Ridge, however, the work taking place in the intersection of S Ridge & Bowman will require intermittent road closures to facilitate main installation. Rye Brook PD will be on location throughout process.
- Both crews will be working this Saturday night. Just a reminder again, we are not planning on working at all next Saturday and Monday nights due to the holiday weekend. We will return Tuesday night.
Con Ed Update as of 6/17/2021:
- As of 06-16-2021, Con Ed installed approx. 200’ of new gas main on S Ridge, which is good progress thus far.
- Con Ed We has crews working on Bowman Avenue Thursday to Sunday (June 17-20).
- Once Con Ed stars trenching on Bowman Avenue, they will need to close the road, but we will have traffic control set up to safely direct traffic out of the shopping center on S Ridge Street to go north was well. PD will also be on the job to help Con Ed with that.
- Going into next week, Con Ed will continue test pitting and trenching on S Ridge moving towards the intersection of Bowman Ave, and working their way on Bowman Avenue towards the intersection of S Ridge Street.
- Just an early heads up that Con Edison will not be working at all Saturday night July 3rd. Right now the plan is to work Friday, July 2nd and return Tuesday night July 6th.
Con Ed Update as of 6/17/2021:
- From the night of Monday 14 to last night Hawkeye crew excavated multiple test pits to find a clear lane to install the New gas Main.
- Located plastic Gas Service for the shopping Center on the East side of S. Ridge.
- Excavated the Tie – In pit by Franklin Ave. and S. Ridge.
- Excavated and located the Gas Service for address 111 &142.
- The crew Saw cut the intersection of Allendale Ave. & S. Ridge St.
- On Bowman Ave. Hawkeye crew excavated a Tie – In Pit, across the street from the School on the grass area.
- Tonight, the crew is schedule to excavate and install Gas pipe on S. Ridge St.
Con Ed Update as of 6/11/2021:
- Elecnor Hawkeye is going to have one crew working on the Gas Main Replacement Project on 6/14/21 from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM on S. Ridge St. from Ellendale Ave. to Bowman Ave. The crew is going to be doing test pits on the East side of the street. Rye Brook Police officers are going to be on location helping with the traffic. Hawkeye is going provide flaggers to help with the traffic going in and out of the Shopping Center.
- On 6/15/21 the second crew is going to start digging test pits on the south side of Bowman Ave. going east towards the entrance of the Shopping Center. The goal is to have two crews working simultaneously to expedite completion of the job.