7:30pm - 9:30pm

Please come and enjoy a night with friends and family to experience our 5th Drive-In Movie under the stars. The movie is SPIDERMAN- NO WAY HOME
Movie Summary: With his identity compromised, right after the spectacular confrontation with super-hero charlatan Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019), Peter Parker is now with his back to the wall. On the run and having no one to turn to for advice, desperate Peter seeks a radical and equally dangerous solution to right a wrong, utterly unaware of the grave consequences of his ill-advised decision. And, as the unfathomable Multiverse expands with a vengeance, formidable adversaries from a not-so-distant past, too, seek closure, demanding the Spider’s head on a platter. But when there’s no way home and nowhere to hide, whom can Parker trust?
WHEN: Friday, September 9th at 7:30PM (Parking lot opens at 6:30pm)
WHERE: 1100 King St. (Kingsbrook Office Park, formerly Reckson)
ENTRY: $10.00 per car
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED – To go to your community pass account and register, click here
See our attached flier
Rye Brook Recreation