Babysitting Course
OctOctober 3 2023

This valuable course will be offered every year as a service to our residents and neighbors. It provides good basic training for our students to be qualified babysitters. As a babysitter, you are responsible for the care and safety of our youth. Regardless of your age, you are performing a valuable and needed service for which you can be justly proud. We want you, the children for whom you are caring for and their parents to feel secure while you are babysitting.
The course will be given at the Rye Brook Fire House, 940 King Street, Rye Brook, 7:00 to 9:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from Oct. 3rd to Oct 24th, 2023.
Limited Space still available
OCTOBER 3rd-24th (8 classes)
7:00pm– 9:00pm
(Grades 7 & Older)
Rye Brook Fire House, 940 King Street, Rye Brook