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Eagle Scout Mural Project Completed at CPW

Posted on August 29, 2019

playground finish project

August 28, 2019, Rye Brook, NY—Cerebral Palsy of Westchester (CPW) is happy to announce the installation of a mural entitled “No Boundaries” at The Harmony Park Playground and Sensory Garden at CPW’s David G. Osterer Center at 1186 King Street. The mural project, organized and executed by Kevin O’Neill, as 2019 Eagle Scout Project for Troup #1 of Purchase, NY, was completed in August with the help of many volunteers. The playground, opened this summer, ensures that children and adults with disabilities enjoy activities regardless of the level of their abilities. The mural provides a sense of balance to the park, adding to it a colorful and relaxing element. The artistic skills and ideas for the mural stemmed from Rye Brook resident and scout Kevin O’Neill, and his illustrator friend Claire Barry. The completed mural, entitled “No Boundaries,” illustrates how, just as the sky welcomes all balloons, Harmony Park welcomes all individuals, with or without disabilities. It serves as the centerpiece of Harmony Park, inviting all who enter to appreciate its detail and beauty.

eagle scout pose  Finished project

O’Neill has been a member of Scout Troop 1 in Purchase since 2015. He has been working toward acquiring the Eagle rank along with one other member of his troop. Eager to give back to his hometown of Rye Brook and aware that his troop had completed projects for CPW in the past, O’Neill met with CPW’s Volunteer and Internship Placement Manager Joan Colangelo. Colangelo proposed that a feasible and beneficial project would be the exterior painting of CPW’s new playground. O’Neill agreed, further suggesting that a mural be painted with a theme mirroring that of the playground.

To obtain an Eagle Rank in Scouting, O’Neill is required to plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project. In this case, the project was benefiting the Rye Brook community, and therefore it was approved by his Scoutmaster, Troop Committee and District Council. Kevin successfully provided leadership opportunities to others including two Scout leaders, three Scouts, six High School students, and six parents/donors. After his project proposal was approved by both the above individuals as well as Linda Kuck, the Executive Director of CPW, he discussed costs for equipment, supplies and gallons of paint, as well as estimated how long the project would take to complete. The mural and exterior painting combined took six days and 200+ man hours to complete. A crucial component of the project which led to its success was funding. Early in the process, O’Neill knew he would need to fundraise for materials such as paint, brushes and sponges, which he did through a letter-writing campaign to family and Friends of Scouting.

drawing air balloon process  Art work on wall
About Cerebral Palsy of Westchester

Celebrating its 70th year in 2019, Cerebral Palsy of Westchester (CPW) provides essential services and programs for children and adults in Westchester and Fairfield Counties with all developmental disabilities including autism, neurological impairments, intellectual disabilities, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. The organization’s mission is to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of
people with developmental disabilities, dedicated to the principle that all children and adults with disabilities and their family members have a fundamental right, and deserve every opportunity, to choose and participate in lifestyles that fully integrate them into society to every extent possible.

CPW was founded by a dedicated network of volunteers committed to helping children access medical treatments and services that were just becoming available in area hospitals. One volunteer, Martie Osterer, recognized the need for a strong organization with structure and financial stability to support the efforts of its volunteers. Although the original focus was on individuals with cerebral palsy, the mandate has continually expanded to reach children and adults with a variety of developmental disabilities.

Today, CPW operates with a professional staff of over 450 who exhibit the grassroots enthusiasm of its founders. CPW’s David G. Osterer Center in Rye Brook serves as the nucleus of a network of more than a dozen locations throughout Westchester and Fairfield Counties. These satellite programs and residential sites have been developed to provide for the ever expanding and changing needs of disabled individuals throughout the community.

For more information and-high resolution photos, contact Tia Levinson at (914) 937-3800 x353 /

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