Coronavirus Update from Mayor Paul Rosenberg

Posted on May 22, 2020

Good afternoon Rye Brook Residents,

As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I wanted to give you an update as to where we stand with the Coronavirus pandemic, and its effects on the Village of Rye Brook.  The cumulative number of residents who have tested positive for coronavirus in Rye Brook has been in the 170’s for the past 10 days.  That is great news and demonstrates how our social distancing efforts have been paying off.  And for that I thank those who have been making efforts to prevent being infected.  But as I have said in prior emails, we must not let our guard down now.

Unfortunately, the virus is still amongst us, and the Village has had to make some hard decisions about whether to run our summer day and travel camp programs.  There is no way to run these programs and still protect the children from contracting and spreading Coronavirus.  That being the case, these two extremely popular Village programs are hereby cancelled for this summer.  It pains me to have to cancel those programs, but it is the safe thing to do.  However, we are working on some 1-day programs that complies with state guidelines.

There is good news to share – our tennis courts are now open (only for singles currently).  Please visit here to make a reservation for a tennis court. Please note that under NY State guidelines, no walk-ons are allowed.

Also, Rye Town Park’s Oakland Beach will be open this weekend to residents only.  This will help to alleviate the crowding that would have occurred due to New York City’s beach closing announcement this week. Proof of residency will be required before entering the parking lot and the beach. Acceptable forms of identification include: a 2019 Resident Season Permit, a State-Issued photo ID (or other form of official photo ID) and a current utility bill.

Rye Brook Recreation has been offering virtual recreation programs on a daily basis for residents of all ages.  Spots will fill up quickly (max. 25 participants), so please register online here and then you will receive your Zoom ID and Password to join in the fun!  It’s not too late for you and your friends to sign up for tonight’s adult “Happy Hour”.

In terms of where Westchester County is with respect to reopening – at this point, our region has met 5 out of 7 state requirements for Phase 1 reopening.  The two metrics that have not been met are the requirements for (1) a 14-day decline in hospital deaths OR fewer than 5 deaths over 3 days; and (2) setting up a contact tracing program with 30 tracers per 100,000 residents.  However, earlier today, Governor Cuomo mentioned that our region could potentially begin to reopen sometime next week.

Other items:

  • Elective surgeries can re-start in Westchester as of June 1
  • Antibody testing is now available to ALL RESIDENTS via reservation.  Please call 914-326-2060 for more information.
  • If you think that you will need to come within 6 feet of other people while walking, jogging, or biking, please wear a mask.

For more frequent coronavirus updates, please follow me on Twitter @paulrosenberg . Also, please feel free to email me anytime at .

Please also remember to respond to the 2020 United States Census.  It really has a big impact on the amount of federal funding we receive.  If you haven’t already completed the Census form, please visit

As we enter Memorial Day weekend, I would ask everyone to please take some time to stop and remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives serving our great country.

Have a great and socially distanced Memorial Day Weekend!

Paul Rosenberg


 Date and time:
Location: Coronavirus Update from Mayor Paul Rosenberg
Department: Coronavirus Update from Mayor Paul Rosenberg

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