Coronavirus Update from Mayor Paul Rosenberg

Posted on March 28, 2020

Dear Rye Brook Residents:

With the weather improving day by day, I’m concerned that there are some people in this community who are not taking the Coronavirus Pandemic seriously.  I drive the neighborhood, and I see children and adults clustered in large groups walking together.  Parents are walking 3 or 4 abreast, with perhaps a foot or two between them.  Kids are being dropped off for playdates.  Parents and kids are hanging out in Hillandale Circle, next to each other.  I’m not sure what else we can do to convey to everyone that this is not an extended break.  According to the Westchester Department of Health, many people certainly have the virus and are unaware, and the number of positive cases continue to climb.  You could be completely symptom-free yet infecting other people (and those people could be immunocompromised or have other pre-existing conditions).

Please distance yourselves from each other!!

Here are the latest Coronavirus stats for Rye Brook and Westchester County:

  • Since testing began in Westchester, there have been approximately 29,515 people tested, with 7,187 testing positive.
  • 73 people have required hospitalization in Westchester, equating to approximately a 1% hospitalization rate.
  • Unfortunately, there have been 10 deaths in Westchester related to Coronavirus.
  • The number of Coronavirus cases in Rye Brook has risen to approximately 29.  I say approximately because I know of a few cases where the people have Coronavirus symptoms but haven’t been tested yet.
  • In all Rye Brook cases, each person is recovering at home.
Throughout this crisis, Village residents have come together and been there for each other like never before.  Here are a few examples:
  • Several N95 masks have been donated to the Rye Brook Police Department by Olivia and Tim Parton.  These masks will help protect our first responders from contracting the virus.
  • Alyson Leon took it upon herself to start a collection for meals for our Police, Fire, and EMS responders.  She collected over $6,000 from generous Rye Brook residents!  That money is going to be used to purchase meals from local restaurants.
  • Volunteers have delivered meals to our seniors.
  • I have witnessed several people dropping off groceries at the houses of people who are either infected or quarantined.

Thank you!

Paul Rosenberg

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