Online Registration for Recreation Activities and Programs Begins Wednesday, March 19 @ 9:30 PM.

Category: Village News

Sanitation Services Update

                                                                                                  November 20, 2019   Dear Rye Brook Resident: I’m writing to notify you about an important and sudden change to our sanitation services. As you may have heard, the Village’s current sanitation company (Waste Services, Inc.) had its license revoked to operate as a solid waste hauler in Westchester County … Continued

Shape the future of your library!

Let your voice be heard and help shape the Port Chester-Rye Brook Library’s Long-term Strategic Plan. The survey will help the Library set the direction to meet the needs of our community.

Eagle Scout Mural Project Completed at CPW

August 28, 2019, Rye Brook, NY—Cerebral Palsy of Westchester (CPW) is happy to announce the installation of a mural entitled “No Boundaries” at The Harmony Park Playground and Sensory Garden at CPW’s David G. Osterer Center at 1186 King Street. The mural project, organized and executed by Kevin O’Neill, as 2019 Eagle Scout Project for … Continued

Household Recycling Fall Drop Off Days 2019

Next Drop off Date November 9, 2019 Rye Playland Playland Pkwy, Rye 9am – 3pm For more details, view the flyer. Whats Accepted Properly labeled household chemicals, including: Most Automotive Fluids – antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline Flammable Liquids – kerosene, butane, charcoal fluid, turpentine Metal, Jewelry & Furniture Polishes, Wood Preservatives Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides Photography … Continued

SUEZ – Providing customers with water that is safe and healthy

Westchester City Managers, Village Administrators: SUEZ is dedicated to providing our customers with water that is safe and healthy. At SUEZ, we take great pride in our ability to provide you with drinking water that meets — and often surpasses — all the health and safety standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency … Continued

Find Your Lost Money!

What is Lost Money? For your protection, banks, insurance companies, utilities, investment companies and many other businesses are required by State law to surrender inactive accounts to the State. These accounts are known as “lost,” “abandoned,” or “unclaimed” funds. The Office of the State Comptroller serves as custodian of this money.  If you can prove … Continued

Reducing Human-Bear Conflicts

Reducing Human-Bear Conflicts In New York State, people and black bears often find themselves living nearby one another. Bears are intelligent and opportunist animals that will find and consume whatever food they can access most easily. Not all bears are problem bears but available human food sources can quickly turn them into one. Most conflict … Continued

Neighbors by Ring

Rye Brook Village Police Department Has joined Neighbors by Ring! Neighbors by Ring is the Neighborhood Watch App that sends real-time crime and safety notifications directly to your phone. To join the Rye Brook Village Police Department on the FREE Neighbors App, Text ryebrookny to 555888 What can you do with watch App by Ring? … Continued

Did you know the Village is building a new facility?

The Village of Rye Brook is replacing its public works and parks facility located at 511 West William Street on a lot that is located between West William Street and Ellendale Avenue. The original public works buildings, which are being demolished and replaced, dates back to the 1940’s and no longer safely meets the needs … Continued

Get Connected. Get Answers.

 211 Hudson Valley Region is a partnership of the United Ways within our seven-county region, with additional support from county and state government, foundations and individual donors. The easy to dial 2-1-1 number is a free and confidential helpline that easily links people to the services they need. Available 24 hours a day, seven days … Continued

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