April 1, 2020 is Census Day! The Census, which is mandated by the US Constitution, has been conducted every ten years since 1790. Census 2020 will be the 24th Census. Census mailers should be going out to residents in mid-to-late March so look out for those soon!
Data collected from the Census will be used for the next ten years for many things – including determining New York State’s representation in Congress as well as local districts.
Census data is also used for the distribution of federal funds to local municipalities.The Census Bureau estimates that every person that is not counted equals a loss of approximately $2,500 per year to local municipalities. This means that every 400 people who are not counted equates to a loss of about $1 Million in funding – each year. It is important that everyone in Rye Brook and Westchester County are counted!
How to Complete the Census Online
This is the first decennial census with an option to respond via the Internet. The Census Bureau has posted a preview of the 2020 Census Video Language Guide on YouTube that serves as a step-by-step tutorial for how to navigate the online interface of the 2020 Census.
Respond to the Census online in English: https://2020census.gov/
Respond to the Census online in Spanish: https://2020census.gov/es.html
What does the Census ask?
The 2020 Census contains simple questions about the number of people in your household and their basic demographic data, along with whether the home is owned or rented. The Census Bureau will never ask you for your Social Security number, money or donations, anything on behalf of a political party, or your bank or credit card account numbers or about citizenship.
The Census Bureau is bound by Title 13 of the United States Code. All responses to the Census are confidential, and cannot be shared with any other federal or local government entity, including law enforcement agencies.
How to Complete the Census form
Completing the Census is simple. There are only nine questions to answer, sample form is available in English , Spanish, and 59 other languages. This is the first time you will have the opportunity to respond quickly and easily online at 2020census.gov. The Census Bureau will also accept response via phone or mail.
The Westchester County Planning Department has more information about the 2020 Census on their website at: https://planning.westchestergov.com/initiatives/census-2020